Monday, November 26, 2012

Gideon Weigert - Israel

I met Gideon in 2008 during a visit to the Galilea, he showed some of his guitars, i was very impressed.
His workshop was very spacy, not too many tools around, i believe they moved to the house not so much time before, so the place was still relatively empty, lately i heard Gideon and his son Noah did a very nice video using the tools of the trade as animated objects, here it is

here is Gideon website:

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Herve R. Chouard - Germany/France

Here is a fine Luthier, with some innovative sytems for fine tuning his instruments, like the "Fret Mobile"
the video is from the late 90' i think, but the workshop is fully and nicelly pictured.